
Soft Cheese Bourekas (Pastry filled with cheese) recipe

Portion: 5 servings Difficulty rating: Average Preparation time: 45 min. Cooking time: 40 min. Price for 1 portion: 1.57 AZN


“Dəyirman” flour – 600 gr. 

“Sərfəli” vegetable oil – 2 tblsp. 

“Şəhrizad” sugar – 1 tblsp. 

“Bizim Süd” milk – 2 lt. 

Yeast – 0.5 tea spoon. 

Salt – 1/3 tea spoon.

Egg – 2 pcs 

Chicken – 200 gr. 

Kashar cheese – 200 gr. 

Nigella – according to one’s taste

Method of preparation:

• Pour milk, 1 egg, vegetable oil, sugar, yeast and flour and knead the dough. 

• Wait for the dough you are kneading to ferment. 

• Form a long roll from the yeast dough and divide it into 9 equal parts. 

• Prepare dough balls from these parts. 

• Brown chicken in vegetable oil. 

• Then sprinkle shredded kashar cheese over it, salt and pepper and turn off the gas. 

• Roll out the dough balls and open them to the size of the palm of your hand.

• Put the prepared chicken inside and make a log out of it again. 

• Arrange prepared dough balls in pyrex. 

• Mix egg yolk and water and apply. 

• At the end, pour the nigella and put in the oven.